by Prehistoric_Admin | May 12, 2024 | Ringcairn, Tumulus
Beeley Moor Central Beeley Moor Central I & II, Ringcairn or Robbed Tumulus A fairly easy site to spot after parking at the Hell Bank Plantation at point and proceeding north along the track that runs round the plantation. Slightly oval in shape with no visible...
by Prehistoric_Admin | May 12, 2024 | Cairn, Tumulus
Curbar Edge South Curbar Edge South, Robbed Cairn or Barrow The sites on Curbar Edge are so close in proximity that a visit to one warrants the seeing of the othes. Therefore I suggest starting from the south and walking north along the edge. Alternatively you could...
by Prehistoric_Admin | May 10, 2024 | Ringcairn, Rock Art, Tumulus
Stanage Stanage, Ringcairn or Robbed Barrow with Cup-Marked Stone Stanage ringcairn has to be one of the most delightful surprises in the prehistoric Peak District. Beautifully located and well preserved, it proudly boasts a stout rubble wall, who’s entrance is...