
The writing of the book, The Prehistoric Peak, and subsequent website would not have been possible without the inspiration of Julian Cope and it is to him that I owe a huge debt of gratitude. His visionary music and writing have been a constant source of inspiration and education to me for over 20 years now, and without his influence I doubt that I would have had my mind opened to the wonders of the landscape around me and would not have found myself in the position of writing this book in the first place. I also extend those thanks to Dorian Cope; thank you both for making me feel so very welcome.

I would also like to extend my thanks to all the Black Sheep. A more righteous group of people I have never met and the world is grateful for your presence. Thank you: Ady ‘Acoustika’ Fletcher, Chris ‘Holy’ McGrail, the late Christophe F, Big Nige, Michael O’Sullivan, Fat Paul, Antronhy Oh, Vybik Jon, Randy Apostle, David Wrench, and Hebbs.

Acknowledgment should also be given to John Barnatt, Senior Survey Archaeologist at the Peak District National Park Authority, who’s published work on the prehistoric monuments in the Peak (see Further Reading, page 186) is not only fascinating and informative, but has greatly assisted my own research on the subject, resulting in this book. 

I would also like to thank the following people for their support, feedback and love during the process of writing this book: my partner Rosemary taylor, my late father, Robert F. Johnstone, my brother, Rob Johnstone, his wife Michelle and their daughters Maisie and Mollie, Moth Clark and Jane Tomlinson, Dr. David Thompson and Lynne Thompson, Geoff ‘Megadread’ Watson, Alison Leahy, everyone at Head Heritage and The Modern Antiquarian forums and to all the people I met and who stopped to talk to me while I was out on the moors.

Finally, I would also like to thank Andrew Haslam and Annegrete Mølhave for their insight and support throughout my two years on the MA Communication Design course at Central Saint Martins College of Art and Design, as well as all my fellow students whose feedback has helped to raise this book to the level you see today. These thanks also go to all the staff of the MA Communication Design course for re-opening my eyes to a world of possibilities and making my experience on the course feel like it really is just the beginning…