by Prehistoric_Admin | May 12, 2024 | Cairn, Ringcairn
Beeley Warren Northeast Beeley Warren Northeast, Ringcairn or Robbed Cairn This circle is impossible to find in summer, even with GPS. The immediate area is so heavily overgrown with dense bracken that it makes finding and viewing this site out of the question in that...
by Prehistoric_Admin | May 12, 2024 | Cairn, Ringcairn
Beeley Warren Northwest Beeley Warren Northwest, Ringcairn or Robbed Cairn Some hunting around in the grass may be required to find this site as again there isn’t much to see and the rubble bank is very low in all places. May also be another robbed cairn rather than...
by Prehistoric_Admin | May 12, 2024 | Cairn
Brown Edge Cairn Brown Edge Cairn I found this cairn by accident, while looking for the Totley Moor Circle on my first visit to this site. This whole area is littered with natural rocks, as well as it being an extensive cairn field, which can make things confusing. As...
by Prehistoric_Admin | May 12, 2024 | Cairn, Tumulus
Curbar Edge South Curbar Edge South, Robbed Cairn or Barrow The sites on Curbar Edge are so close in proximity that a visit to one warrants the seeing of the othes. Therefore I suggest starting from the south and walking north along the edge. Alternatively you could...
by Prehistoric_Admin | May 10, 2024 | Cairn
Raven Tor Raven Tor, Triple Cairn A jewel of a site and it is hard to believe that there isn’t more said about it. It is a spectacular site, the rubble mounds clearly defined with elegant kerbstones and with magnificent views all round and a clear line of sight to...